Sunny Lunch Box

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Green Vitality Lunch Box

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Salmon Symphony Lunch Box

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Create your bowl

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Create your bowl

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Products in stock:

Low salt

No bad



No fake

Low carb

Salmon Symphony

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Salmone crudo, Riso bianco, Avocado, Edamame, Cetrioli, Carote, Mais, Alghe nori...

Green Vitality Bowl

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Salmone crudo, Riso bianco, Avocado, Edamame, Cetrioli, Carote, Mais, Alghe nori...

Sunny Bowl

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Salmone crudo, Riso bianco, Avocado, Edamame, Cetrioli, Carote, Mais, Alghe nori...

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Our Poke Bowls

Choose freshness every day with our poke bowls made from freshly harvested ingredients!

Vegan Delights

Choose ethical taste with our vegan poke bowls, a perfect blend of freshness, flavor, and respect for animals

Green Goodness

Choose goodness with reduced environmental impact: our poke bowls are packaged with eco-friendly and biodegradable materials.